Here’s a sneaky look at Paul Duncan’s latest screen project. What a brilliant shot – we can’t wait to see more.
Currently shooting feature ‘In From the Side’, Frank is busy with team in London. Following his recent nomination for ‘Best Actor’ at the Horror Film festival in Seattle – we’re sure this one will be as exciting for all involved.
Hayley is out on the road with her final tour of ‘Vampires Rock’ – she’s working alongside Sam Bailey and recently received the following review. Well done Hayley!
”Despite the proudly rough and ready approach to Vampires Rock as a ‘musical’, ‘rock concert’ or ‘musical concert’, there’s no denying the glittering, polished talent to be found amongst the cast. In fact, Roxy Honey-Box prompts me to quote Shakespeare… Yes, as incongruous as that is, it must be done for though Hayley Russell ‘be but little, she is fierce’.
She’s a superb vocalist who takes on a variety of rock anthems and wins. Her performance of Holding Out for a Hero is one of the most dramatically intense musical performances I’ve seen on a stage – how she produces the towering sounds she does is beyond me. At times sounding incredibly Bonnie-Tyler-esque but mostly offering a distinct sound all her own, Russell is most definitely a big draw in this show.”
Having recently finished Christmas season at The Rhodes Arts Centre in Bishop’s Stortford, Paul has launched his one-man show, ‘The Story’s End’ which is being performed at the Tristan Bates Theatre on the 9th February at 1630. Part of a ‘6 plays in a day’ event that Threedumb Theatre are producing. Please get along to support him – full details: